Walking downriver for justice and sustainability
by Rob ParsonsOctober 1 , 2009
with many other things in life, we tend to take water for granted. Yet
water is amazing, and deserving of our great respect and stewardship.
An upcoming march in support of restoring in-stream flows seeks to
remind us of the importance of water not just to ourselves, but to all
James Michener's epic novel Hawaii begins with some 70
pages devoted to the geomorphic origins of the islands, describing the
immense volcanic landforms rising from the ocean depths over millions
of years. Any discussion of water in the Hawaiian Islands merits at
least a passing recognition of its elemental force in fashioning the
land, nourishing all beings and life forms that arrived here and
providing the foundation for Hawaiian culture.
With passing
eons, water pounded the shores, creating sandy beaches, and stormed
down from above, sculpting lava landscapes into jutting cliffs towering
over boulder-filled valley streams. Seeds arrived by wave, wind or wing
and, kissed by the rain showers, came to life.
With the arrival
of canoe-voyaging Polynesians, villages sprung up alongside fertile
valleys, where abundant fresh water could be diverted to lo'i kalo, to
cultivate the Hawaiian staple food and most revered crop, taro. Water
flowing through the taro fields trickled back into the stream,
providing a habitat for fish, crustaceans and limpets and allowing
their natural spawning cycles to carry their eggs and larvae to the
ocean, and back again to the streams.
In 'olelo Hawai'i, wai is
fresh water, while waiwai translates to wealth. The modern Central Maui
communities built around the life-giving streams all bear Hawaiian
place names with reference to the waters: Waikapu, Wailuku, Waiehu and
These same waters are now the source of heated
debate, as traditional uses and rights converge with century-old
plantation diversions and more recent demand for increasing
development, often in arid locations. Water in Hawaii is a public trust
resource, protected under the state constitution and water code. Yet
legal challenges have been necessary to protect local citizens' rights
from a worldwide trend towards privatization and commodification of
fresh water.
Starting at 4pm Friday and sponsored by Hui O Na
Wai 'Eha, Maui Tomorrow and Earthjustice, the Mauka to Makai Riverwalk
will trek three miles downhill, from 'Iao Valley State Park to the
state office building in Wailuku. After that, sign-wavers and
supporters can walk another two blocks to First Friday festivities on
Market Street, where an informational booth will help raise awareness
of stream restoration for Na Wai 'Eha (the Four Great Waters) of
Kahalawai (the West Maui Mountains): Waikapu, 'Iao, Waiehu and Waihe'e.
state Water Commission will hear final arguments on October 15 in a 9am
meeting at 'Iao Congregational Church, part of a five-year process that
began with the 2004 filing of a petition to restore stream flows and to
protect native stream life, Hawaiian traditional practices and other
uses. The petition came at a time when one of the major landowners in
the area, Wailuku Agribusiness, was selling large parcels of land that
once was part of Wailuku Sugar's plantings.
The petitioning
parties maintained that Wailuku Agribusiness—which ceased sugar
production in the 1980s in favor of macadamia nut trees, only to
abandon that operation by the late '90s—had greatly reduced need from
its original irrigation diversions. As Earthjustice attorney Kapua
Sproat put it: "The water not being used should be left in the stream"
where it would help recharge diminishing underwater aquifers, restore
stream biota and revitalize the near-shore ocean ecosystems.
Agribusiness (whose name has now been changed to Wailuku Water Company)
refuted claims of water wasting. Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar, one
of Wailuku Water's recipients, appeared before the commission to argue
about the quantities needed to irrigate its central Maui cane fields.
March 2008, the Commission on Water Resource Management agreed to take
over management of four major streams in central Maui. That shift meant
that anyone diverting water or planning to divert water from those
streams now had to apply for a permit.
In April, Hearings Officer
Lawrence Miike issued his decision, recommending that about half the
diverted stream flows be restored—totaling an average of 34.5 million
gallons a day. "If the full Commission approves this recommendation,"
says an Earthjustice press release, "Na Wai 'Eha streams would again
flow mauka-to-makai and come back to life."
After the April recommendations, Earthjustice posted the following:
proposed decision validates what we've known all along, that HC&S
has viable alternatives to destroying these streams, but prefers to use
stream water because it is 'cheap' or 'free,'" said Irene Bowie,
Executive Director of Maui Tomorrow. "There is nothing cheap or free
about the priceless natural and cultural value of streams flowing mauka
to makai (from the mountains to the sea), and private companies aren't
entitled to maximize their profits off of public water.
ongoing Na Wai 'Eha case parallels the landmark Waiahole Ditch case on
Oahu—a battle over the future of water and land use in Hawai'i that
resulted in the path-breaking decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court in
2000 recognizing water resources as a public trust and reaffirming the
state's trust responsibilities to protect public instream uses."
the Waiahole case, the Na Wai 'Eha case involves local community groups
seeking to ensure lasting protection for streams in the face of
unchecked demand for industrial agriculture and urban development.
Unlike in the Waiahole case, where the former Oahu Sugar plantation
land converted to diversified agriculture, here, the former Wailuku
plantation sold off its lands and has sought to keep control of the
water as an independent source of private profit.
"Wailuku Water
Company's attempted water profiteering is an affront to the principle,
enshrined in the Hawaii Constitution and affirmed by the Hawaii Supreme
Court, that water is a public trust resource that belongs to all," said
Earthjustice attorney Isaac Moriwake. "We hope that the Commission will
follow through on its trust obligations to ensure that justice, and the
waters of Na Wai 'Eha, will flow freely for the benefit of all the
people of Hawaii."
Alexander & Baldwin, HC&S's
parent company, is concerned that setting interim in-stream flow
standards for Na Wai 'Eha "has the potential to hurt Hawaii's
communities and agricultural industry," according to an article in the
April/May issue of Po'okela, their company newsletter. They maintain
that the IIFS recommendations "are so high that they would cut by
one-half the amount of West Maui stream water currently available to
HC&S (for 6,000 acres of cane in the Maalaea/Wailuku area)."
were urged to support the company's position through calls, letters and
e-mails to officials, and through testimony at upcoming public
meetings. "A&B is committed to doing everything we can to keep
HC&S in operation," said Chris Benjamin, A&B's chief financial
officer and the recently appointed general manager of HC&S.
week, Benjamin announced that sugar cane harvesting would soon be shut
down for yearly factory maintenance, though for an expected five
months—much longer than the usual off-season break around the holidays.
The extended layoff period is attributed to an ongoing drought, meaning
fewer acres have been planted and crops in the field take longer to
A&B is facing even greater losses in its agricultural
sector than the $13.2 million recorded in the first half of this year,
already greater than the $13 million in losses they incurred in 2008.
the long-term prospect of 32,000 acres in sugar cane production is
uncertain, some residents are grateful for the five-month cane-burning
hiatus. To damper the enthusiasm: in lieu of available bagasse (cane
fiber), plantation obligations to generate electricity to Maui Electric
Company will now be met by burning increasing amounts of imported coal.
this year, A&B completed a draft EIS for a proposed 9-million
gallon water treatment plant at Waiale, on the outskirts of Wailuku
near the prison. The project comes with an estimated $30 million
price-tag, cost-shared with the County. A&B would then receive half
of the output—some 4.5 million gallons—of potable water for urban uses.
A&B development plans that would utilize the proposed water
allocation include the 179-acre expansion of the Kahului Business Park,
a 600-unit housing project in North Kihei and an 800-acre project
district in the Waiko Road area.
Quoted in The Maui News last
March, Earthjustice attorney Isaac Moriwake was critical of the timing
of A&B's environmental document release. "We think it's entirely
premature for A&B to be making big plans for Na Wai 'Eha without
knowing how much flow must be returned to the streams," Moriwake said.
"We also think it speaks volumes about HC&S's claims that it needs
all the water for sugar. As usual, A&B is trying to have its cake
and eat it too."
At least Na Wai 'Eha supporters will be heading
downhill on Friday, even if stream waters are not. The once mighty 'Iao
Stream is now a mere trickle in a concrete channel, as it's almost
entirely diverted near Kepaniwai Park in 'Iao Valley.
It is
often said, presumably in jest, that water flows uphill toward money.
Final decisions by the state Water Commission may soon indicate to what
extent that adage is true.